
A relative of mine inspired me to finally start my blog, so on this page I'd like to share the blogs that I read frequently.  I will continue to add blogs here as I discover new ones that I enjoy.

Bad Catholic
A really smart 18 year old writing about the Catholic faith.  Sometimes I'm not sure I follow him.  Fairly sarcastic.  Love it!

Endless Strength
A Catholic mom with five children.  Lots of great writing about being a mom.

Little Catholic Bubble
A fellow BC grad who has come to learn a lot about her faith - sadly it seems as though most of this was AFTER she left BC.  Hey, me too!

My hubby's blog about his thoughts and feelings as a Catholic.

Eat. Scream. Cry.
My cousin's blog about her experiences with IVF and what she is now learning about NFP and the Creighton method.

Saving For Something
A friend's blog with helpful tips on how to save money!  We could all use more money in our pockets, right?